Plantare fassiitis is een van die voetprobleme waaroor Ortotiese en Prostetiese praktisyns die meeste gekonsulteer word.   Die pyn word gewoonlik in die  hak ervaar, meestal net voor die hakbeen (calcaneus) aan die binnekant van die voet.  Soms identifiseer pasiente die pyn agter die bal van die voet, onder die voet, of in die middel van die voet aan die onderkant.  Die pyn is normaalweg erger in die oggend wanneer die pasient opstaan en verbeter nadat daar 'n ent geloop word.  Dieselfde geld vir wanneer 'n mens opstaan nadat jy lank gesit het.

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most difficult conditions to treat because of the tendency it presents of improving as the day wears on, leading the patient to believing that it will disappear in time without necessarily having to be treated. The problem can however last for up to 12 weeks and is often experienced as a stabbing pain rather than a throbbing pain.  In most cases, this condition is more prevalent amongst the more athletically inclined members of the public.  It can however also be associated with a high body mass index.

It is quite unfortunate that so little is generally known about this condition.  Research has shown that as many as 80% of patients diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis, also suffer from other apparently non-related health problems.  Some of the more than 100 problems which have already been identified as emanating from this common foot problem include Tennis elbow, high blood pressure, insomnia, kidney failure, chronic eye infections and sinusitis.

Behandeling is meestal konserwatief - strekking van die fassia, skoen insetsels of ander ortoses.  Indien verdere behandeling genoodsaak sou word, sal daar dan van anti-inflammatoriese middels of immuunonderdrukkers gebruikgemaak word, weereens met chirurgie as heel laaste uitweg.

NB: the above information is provided solely for informative purposes and not as do-it-yourself instructions.  Kindly consult you healthcare professional for advice and guidance.  The author accepts no responsibility for any action taken by readers of this information.

Hierdie inligting is bloot ter illustrasie van 'n spesifieke toestand; geen verantwoordelikheid word hoegenaamd deur die outeur aanvaar vir selfbehandeling nie.  Raadpleeg 'n gekwalifiseerde medikus vir advies en behandeling.

Give us a call at Pieter M Botha Orthotist & Prosthetist if you experience Plantar Fasciitis on 017 634 7086/7 or fill in your medical requirements on the Contact Us form.