Volgens die Griekse mitologie, was Achilles 'n groot oorlogsheld. Sy ma het hom as baba in 'n beskermende middel onderdompel wat hom kwansuis van alle gevare sou beskerm; sy het hom egter in die proses aan die hakskeen vasgehou wat gevolglik toe nie met hierdie wonder-middel beskerm is nie. Hy is dood toe 'n pyl hom in die hakskeen getref het tydens die Trojaanse oorlog. 'n Persoon se Achillieshiel is deel van die idiomatiese volksmond in beide Afrikaans en Engels, wat verwys na 'n spesifieke persoon se swakpunt.
In reality, the Achilles tendon is the large tendon located in the back of the leg where it connects with the heel. Achilles tendonitis is inflammation or irritation in this specific tendon and can lead to degeneration thereof. The pain experienced by the patient can present as a stabbing, burning or extremely piercing pain and can develop gradually, or as a direct result of specific trauma. Achilles tendonitis can have serious and prolonged consequences and should not be ignored or left untreated. This condition can also be aggravated by performing activities which repeatedly stretch the tendon - even long periods of standing can be at fault. Sufferers often complain that their first steps in the morning are excruciating and that the pain normally lessens as movement increases.
Pronasie is een van die hoof-oorsake van Achilles tendonitis. Verkeerde skoenpassing, onvoldoende strekkingsoefeninge by atlete, 'n tendon wat van nature verkort is of direkte trauma is verdere oorsake van hierdie toestand.
NB: the above information is provided solely for informative purposes and not as do-it-yourself instructions. Kindly consult you healthcare professional for advice and guidance. The author accepts no responsibility for any action taken by readers of this information.
Hierdie inligting is bloot ter illustrasie van 'n spesifieke toestand; geen verantwoordelikheid word hoegenaamd deur die outeur aanvaar vir selfbehandeling nie. Raadpleeg 'n gekwalifiseerde medikus vir advies en behandeling.
Give us a call at Pieter M Botha Orthotist & Prosthetist if you experience Achilles Tendonitis on 017 634 7086/7 or fill in your medical requirements on the Contact Us form.