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4 Large, thick 8x2 castors and a heavy duty frame make this walker ideal for rough terrain or heavier users.

A seat, basket and tray make perfect accessories:

  • Four 8x2" solid castors
  • Shopping basket
  • Tray
  • Seat
  • Foldable
  • Height adjustable

Q: Can I sit on it and be pushed? 

A: No, the walker is designed to assist you in walking and to be seated while the walker is stationary. It is not designed to carry weight and is not as durable as a wheelchair.


Q: Does it fold up?

A: Yes, the basket is removable and the walker can be easily folded and loaded into a car. 

Q: Are spares available?

A: Yes, spares are available.

Q: What Guarantee does it come with?

A: This product have a "Carry in guarantee" , This guarantee excludes abuse and general wear and tear. The walkers come with a 12 month guarantee.

Q: Is it height adjustable?

A: Yes, the handles are height adjustable and ensure that you are able to walk upright and safely

Q: Will my medical aid pay?

A: Yes. Some medical funds, do have exclusions. Please check with your fund directly to confirm Appliance benefits